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Join Us: 2021 NKBA Education + Product Expo in August

July 20, 2021

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We will be hosting the 2021 NKBA Education + Product Expo at our Denver showroom on Thursday, August 5th, 2021

We’d love for you to join us as a vendor or industry professional! This event will feature vendor tables and two CEU courses. Apply for a vendor table today to promote your company to the industry professionals who use and sell your products or register to attend the CEU courses or visit the vendor fair.

What: A product expo and vendor fair with two CEU courses. Dinner, wine, and beer will be served.
Where: The Stone Collection | 10000 E. 45th Ave. | Denver, CO 80238
When: 4:30-8:00pm
Cost: NKBA members $25 • Non-members $35

adam-gibson-400x400sq.jpegNKBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHAPTER EDUCATION + PRODUCT EXPO SCHEDULEdoug-walter-400x400sq.jpeg

4:30-5:30 – Doug Walter – Lighting the Way to Improved Wellness at Home

5:30 – Education + Product Expo Opens

6:30-7:30 – Adam Gibson – Professional Photographer: Be One or Hire One to Increase Sales

8:00 – Chapter Business & Raffle Prizes